In discreet manner, but little by little the Carmelite marches are moulding on Mount Carmel and in all the Holy Land, because of it and taking advantage of the presence of OCD F. Paco Negral , Spanish veteran and with nearly 50 years of experience in this country, we got the encourage to make him some questions:
Fr. Paco, how have these «marches» been born and what can be done to promote them without losing their Carmelite attraction and contemplative?
It’s been many years, first by myself, afterwards for at least 10 years, with F. Miguel Marquez, OCD Provincial of the Iberica, as F. Alessandro from the Venice Province (since 4 years ago), also with Suor Mariana, Suor Lina and the Carmelite Group (during these past 2 years) and now the preparation of two “tour- leaders” will be pendant, one for the English language and other for the French language. It’s fundamental, at least one or two years to have contact with what it’s been done as with the style which it is done, to see what the spirit of these marches is and not only being able to convey a series of knowledge of the place, but also a praying style.
That is, a call can’t be made, that a group inscribes (of 12 or 15 persons) and start walking…?
There are so many things that have to be taking in account for: not only the spiritual preparation, the health is necessary too, come with enthusiasm, care for the type of footwear, the creams, a First Aid kit… many details, without forgetting some of the most recent information from the history of Israel… 50% of the success of the marches depends on all the previous preparation of the candidates around his tour leader.
Well, let us hope that these lines shed some light and we may continue consolidating this initiative at an Order level. Thank you Fr. Paco, for this occasion and maybe you could take advantage of this platform to say something to the readers…
Yes, simply announce something that is being born, taking advantage of the experiences of the marches from these past years (with both OCD’s F. Miguel Marquez and F. Alessandro), besides the accumulated experience in past years on a personal level, there is a book which the Editorial Fonte Group, OCD, will bring to the light this next year, titled: «On the steps of Jesus of Nazareth: His land, His people, His God».
A book with 40 itineraries (with its corresponding maps and texts) over the routes of Jesus in Israel, Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon. The intention is to translate it also to Italian, English, French and Arabic. Of course the book doesn’t pretend to replace the guide, simply enlighten him.