The Carmelite Sisters of Bethlehem give us the joy of sharing with the readers of Carmel’s magazine, these texts from the reserved notebooks in which Elijah manifests himself to Mariam. Elijah lives! He continues to act in the Church, in Carmel and in the lives of the saints. Just as Saint Elijah was close to Mariam, he is also close to all who invoke him. Mariam tells us: «Our Father Elijah looks at God and then he looks at us. He looks at God! And then He looks at men, looks at sinners and cries».
After one of his ecstasy, Mariam says: «I just dreamed of Our Father Elijah. He said to me: “My daughter, showing me a black ladder in the dark,” you must climb this ladder, there are three holes where you can fall, because there will be no light to see them, but commend yourself to God. He will help you, be faithful. I said to him:” Father Elias, I fear if I should count on myself, on my fidelity, I am always unfaithful, I always sin”. He looked at me kindly; however, he seemed not to pay attention to me. He turned to the side of the three apostles, who were with him, and it seemed to me that he was saying that he loved me as his daughter; turning to me, he kissed my forehead. Putting his hand on my head, blessed me. The apostles seemed amazed by the signs of affection that He gave me. Saint Elias said: “She belongs to my family”, and I saw that he entrusted me to God. He left me so happy!».
For a Carmelite, talking about the prophet Elijah does not mean talking about an abstract character, an idea or any subject of study. To speak of the Prophet Elijah is to speak of his own father as Saint Mariam of Jesus Crucified experienced and lived it. (Extract from Revue du Carmel, n. 174. p. 47).