“Stella Maris” Monastery
Local Church
Elijah, a man of contrasts
The prophet Elijah has been known in Carmel since the beginning as our ideal and model of inspiration, both in terms of contemplation (or silent prayer) and apostolic zeal. In iconography he is represented with the Latin inscription on his sword: «zelo zelatus sum pro Domino Deo exercituum», that is: «I burn with zeal for […]
Annual procession of our Lady of Mount Carmel
The origin of the procession dates to 1914 (during the First World War). During the month of November, the Ottoman authorities appeared in the Stella Maris monastery (Mount Carmel), notifying the religious men that in three hours they had to leave the monastery, because it was going to be taken up by the Ottoman army. […]
Happy Palm Sunday… from the Carmel
Our meeting of this morning, in the garden of God (the Carmel/Kerem-El), walking together with the Lord: Discalced Carmelite friars, Discalced Carmelite nuns and laymen consecrated in the Secular Carmel, who today, in the liturgical memory of Palm Sunday, triumphantly enters Jerusalem to consummate his Easter. Encountering and creative hope, in which our mother Theresa […]
Restoration of the dome of Stella Maris
For some years the need for restoration of the internal paintings of the dome of Stella Maris had been seen. The construction project was supposed to start in 2020 but was delayed by 3 years due to the pandemic. Now, finally, the time has come. The restoration was carried out by Stefania who, having come […]
Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem: Father Rafic Nahra Appointed Auxiliary Bishop
Father Rafic Nahra was appointed by Pope Francis as auxiliary bishop of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, this Friday, March 11, 2022, announces the Holy See. Ordained a priest in 1992 for the diocese of Paris, he was until now Patriarchal Vicar for Israel within the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Father Rafic Nahra was born […]
Stella Maris and Carmelite parish in Haifa: one family
We Carmelites celebrated on December 7, 2021 the 150th anniversary of the consecration of the parish church, ocd in the lower part of the city of Haifa near the sea. In the same act, we celebrate S. José patron of the parish, also celebrated in 2021 as patron of the universal Church. The Carmelite parish […]
Celebration of thanksgiving on the 150th anniversary of the old St. Joseph Church
Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph You who, in the company of the Divine Jesus and of your spouse Mary Most Holy, knew the bitterness of emigration in your flight to Egypt, accompany along the roads of the world our countless brothers and sisters who, far from their homeland, struggle to overcome the difficulties of a life […]
Current news
Biblical prophecy: Elijah and Elisha
Before speaking about the prophet Elisha, we should speak about the biblical prophetic reality and of his spiritual mentor: the prophet Elijah. Prophesy could be understood as the capacity to foretell what is going to happen in the future. There are, written documents, from almost 3000 years before C. E. concerning prophetic activity in the […]
Saint Albert and the Rule of Carmel
Today, our reflection focuses on the figure of Saint Albert of Jerusalem, legislator of the Order of Carmel. He was born in Emilia (Italy). He entered a congregation of canons regular where he was elected prior. Three years later, he was appointed Bishop of Vercelli in Italy. He ruled this Church for twenty years. His […]
The cats of Muhraqa
Getting to Muhraka, the Carmelite monastery and shrine dedicated to the prophet Elijah, can be a significant experience of linguistic and cultural misunderstandings between different peoples. Meanwhile, a question: how important is it to know the language of the place you visit? My friends where I live in Haifa insist that you visit Mukhraqa absolutely. […]
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – 2022
We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him (Mt 2,2) For this Week of Prayer, the Christians of the Middle East chose the theme of the star that rose in the east for a number of reasons. While many Western Christians celebrate Christmas, the more ancient feast, and still the […]
Stones with a message. Father Kubrianus from Mount Carmel
For a few weeks, in the Latin parish of San Joseph of Haifa, from the top of Carmel, a nice initiative has emerged. Father Kubrianus, from Lebanon, who is helping the Delegation of Israel since November 2020, artist, painter, singer and many other things … has started to paint «stones with a message» that are […]
Regina Decor Carmeli
We, brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, joyfully celebrate her feast. Our heart is illuminated by her maternal presence, our life is inspired by what she lived in the simplicity of Nazareth, our spirit seeks her as Sister on the journey of life, Mother who touches us in her closeness and help, […]
Earth Day: “We have the means to face the challenge”
In a video message, the Pope warns: the movement to destroy nature is very difficult to curb, but “there is still time” if “we work together instead of doing it alone”. For a long time now, we have become more aware that nature deserves to be protected, and that human interactions with the biodiversity that […]
Carmelite Order and Souls in Purgatory
Pope St. John Paul II affirms that “praying for the souls in purgatory is the highest act of supernatural charity.” The Church, ever conscious of her vocation to love, has always been animated by this fraternal charity, inviting her children to pray and do penance on behalf of the faithful departed. This is expressly approved […]
St. Thérèse of Lisieux: Docile Doctor
St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus is well known among Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Acknowledged as the greatest saint of modern times by Pope St. Pius X, she continues to inspire a great number of the faithful through her simple and accessible approach to spirituality. If a word could capture the significance of St. Thérèse […]
Echoes of Carmel in May
On May 16, the Carmelites celebrate the feast of St. Simon Stock. A chapel has been built in his memory near the end of the Cross at «Stella Maris» monastery’s compound. As we already know, this St. Simon received from our Lady of Mount Carmel her scapular as a sign of protection for the Carmelites. […]
Fr Prospero in our Carmelite tradition
First of all, I would like to tell you how important is to be a member of the secular Carmel in this land. The land where our Saviour was born. How important is to live with the people from whom He was born, and also to live near the Mount Carmel, near the wadi es […]
Three symbols and a project: Introduction to Saint John of the Cross
Saint John of the Cross was born in 1542 in Fontiveros (Avila), from a very poor family. He was orphaned of father, being very young. He lived through the economic crisis of the 2nd part of the 16th century. That poverty has forced his family into a rural exodus. His mother lived on public charity, […]
«Be in joy»
Fr Jesús Castellano, ocd wrotes about joy as an important element for our spiritual balance, for our communities, for our mission. He wrote an article with the title “The Decalogue of Joy”, where he explains why we should be joyful… not only because “a sad saint is a sad saint”, but because this has human, […]
Mary, contemplative woman: happy feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
The Carmel that is born on this mountain blessed by the action of the prophet Elijah, in its origins and in its development in the world has always preserved this significant aspect of spirituality, proposing it also to all those who are thirsty for God. Contemplation is an action that goes beyond simply seeing and […]